What is Muda Mundo Ja?

Muda Mundo Já! / Change the World Now! is a movement to join forces and sow love in the world,  based in what we already are and have. Doing that  together, to generate abundance for all.

  • When we access our gifts and put them at the service of the world, we make our light shine and contribute to a better world.
  •  When we put the love that we are, in the service of another person, we also feel the joy of being able to contribute and to make a difference to the world.
  • When we plant or educate, even without reaping the immediate fruits of our actions, we do it, because there is something in us that goes beyond meeting our immediate needs.
  • We are all connected in this web of Life.  This connection with the Earth, with the beings, with the stars, with the whole, makes these activities a great reward both for those who sow and for those who reap their fruits.
  • When we look at the current situation: pandemic, disease, death, violence, extremism, fear, density, we can feel as if all of this is something so much greater that we are unable to do anything.  Apathy is installed and with it even more disconnection with the source of Life that feeds us.

 There are other possibilities!

 What if instead of being too small, not good enough, and not safe, we could reconnect with who we really Are?

 What would it be like if we could remember and act from the beings of divine light, universal love and infinite source of power that we are?

 What reality can we create if, from this place of our individual power, we come together to be together in the service of Gaia, and of Life?

 This is our calling ....

 If you consider yourself an agent of transformation, a light worker, an educator, a mother or a grandmother, a father or grandfather, who wants to leave a better world for their children and  grandchildren;  if you, regardless of your profession and status, believe and want to do something in the service of humanity, helping to make this world a more welcoming, collaborative, joyful place, where care is a value that matters (care with the earth, with  the other, and with you), then this movement has to do with YOU!!!

 We are going to sow love together, cultivating a human forest based on values that are at the service of Life!

This is our mission!

Shall we do it together?

Join us for our next step: The ❤️ Revolution

Muda Mundo Ja 0.9

We complete the 0.9 phase on August 5, 2021. Here is what we experienced.

  • We had a space for all interested parties to see what ways we could bring our knowledge and talents together and put them at the service of the world in a more effective and collaborative way, adding efforts and helping each other!

  • We called this space a community and it was a space for listening, connecting, collaborating, acting and sharing.

  • We started this community on 5/20/2021 and had 12 meetings, bringing different tools within a process based on U theory.

HUBS from Change the World Now 0.9

  • How to participate?

    People were able to participate in workshops, courses, processes, and experiences, on topics related to connecting and acting from the Heart.

  • What were these offerings?

    These were called Hubs, and in this edition we had around 10 options being offered, ranging from Expressing the Self, to reviewing your beliefs to gain more financial awareness. From art and culture, attention to the body, from questions that change the world to tools for simply Being.

  • Who were hosting the Hubs 0.9?

    All of these offers were offered by facilitators who were part of our first iteration, Change the World Now 0.8, an International Festival of transformative Practices.

  • How to contribute financially in this iteration??

    The great news is that here you could participate in whatever you wanted, and still pay as much as you felt, after experiencing it! There was also an option of bringing your talents to our solidarity bank, because we believe there is no one who has nothing to offer, or someone who knows so much that he cannot learn.

  • What was the space like?

    It was a space where we integrated different ways of relating to abundance, so that it could flow and everyone could gain from the experience!


What did you get from participating?

  • Hub Access

    You had free access to all Hubs.

  • Choose your Contribution

    You had the autonomy to pay whatever you felt was fair based on the value you received and your financial availability.

  • Network

    You could meet other people who share common values.

  • Content and Practices

    You had the opportunity to access and experience powerful processes and tools that helped you to connect with your best version, as well as others that helped you embrace and integrate your shadows, transcend beliefs, and release what prevents you from shining so you can be all of your power.

  • Take Action

    Concrete collective action to plant love together.

  • Develop your own offering

    Possibility to transform your gifts into love in action, offering them in service to the World!

  • Belong to Something Bigger!

    You could be part of something bigger; of a movement in the service of Life.

  • What did you offer?

    As a participant, you offered your presence, participation, and contribution, all according to your availability.

Hub Hosts

What did you get from being a Hub Host?

  • Visibility: Your offerings were be available to all participants

  • New participants in addition to your network

  • Possibility of new business

  • Network with like-minded tribe

  • Access to a platform for creating your courses, with the possibility of creating your own online course offering business through it.

  • Hub Network Hosts: Exclusive exchange processes between hosts.

  • Resources: Testing generating Abundance through Money Pile, to distribute the money received from the participants.

What did Hub Hosts Offer?

  • The hosts offered their talents in the form of courses, on the days and formats they desired, with the content and values ​​they had.

  • They provided the necessary information requested by the team so that they could be registered.

  • They also offered an opening to go risky, to test whether this model generates abundance for all hosts, as well as an opening to try the money pile as a way of dividing resources (in this case, this was done by the MMJ 0.8 Festival hosts).

  • We will also be registering new host opportunities for version 1.0 of the movement, to be launched in August. If you are interested in contributing to that, please contact us!